Publishing your Jekyll blog to AWS S3 and Cloudfront invalidation using Travis CI

Table of Contents

This information is useful once you have signed up to via and you have an existing
AWS S3 bucket and AWS Cloudfront distribution setup. I will be covering
this soon.

At any time you can look at my repo on Github to see how I have set this

First create a new directory called script in your root folder and
create a file called cibuild. Now past the following details
replacing bucketname with your S3 bucket name.

jekyll build
pip install awscli
aws s3 sync --acl public-read --sse --delete _site s3://bucketname
aws configure set preview.cloudfront true
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id $CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_ID --paths '/*'

This is going to do the following

  • Build our jekyll site
  • Install awscli on the Travis site
  • We then sync our _site directory that has been built by the command
    jekyll build, deleting all contents on the remote
    bucket at the same time
  • The line with preview.cloudfront tells the AWS Cli that you want
    to enable the preview mode of it. This is still in BETA so this allows
    us access to it.
  • Then finally we invalidate the cache on cloudfront. There are a couple
    of points on this. First, you are allowed up to 1,000 files to be
    invalidated per month. After this you are charged. At this point it is
    around $50 per 1,000. The other is it can take up to 15 minutes for the
    cache to be invalidated so please be patient.

Now create a .travis.yml file in the root for your directory with the
following contents.

language: ruby
dist: trusty
sudo: required
- 2.3.3
- chmod +x ./script/cibuild
script: "./script/cibuild"
  - master

This is our deployment file. This tells Travis what we want to do once
it has hold of our files from Github.

  • language: ruby tells it the environment we want to use to run our
    build (Ruby)
  • dist and sudo tell Travis that we want to run in full
    trust mode. This is required for using the awscli library
  • script tells Travis to use our file we created previously to be
  • branches tells Travis to... only build our master

Now, before we commit and push to Github we need to setup credentials for
awscli, to allow it to connect to our account.

Log into and find your
repo. In the More options drop down select
Settings. Here you will find an area called Environment Variables.

Here add your AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Key, S3 Bucket Region
and your AWS Cloudfront Distribution Id for Cloudfront. This can be
found in the General tab in your AWS Cloudfront distribution

It is important to name these exactly like so


These keys are stored as Environmental Variables that can be accessed in
your Travis build script and are all encrypted.

Never put sensitive information in your Github Repo

You should now be all setup ready for continuous integration. Commit and
Push these changes to Github and now Travis should receive the trigger
and use the .travis.yml file and cibuild to execute your
Jekyll and AWS S3 and Cloudfront deployment.